Space for Creative Learning
De Leerboom: Design and execution of a new primary school and kindergarten, Halle, BE
This project provides the existing school campus with a new appearance towards the street. By positioning the new volume perpendicular to the street, the campus opens up towards the surrounding neighbourhood. Furthermore, this configuration minimises the impact of the new volume on the streetscape. A new and spacious cycling and walking route along the building creates a new address for the primary school. This safe entrance will be further emphasised by an enhanced street profile.
The building is organised in a simple and functional way with three floors each containing four classrooms. The compact footprint leaves space for a much needed outdoor playground. On the northern facade, clusters of each four classes are organised around a spacious circulation and meeting area. The canopy on the southern facade connects the refectory, the double-high polyvalent hall and the administration. An outdoor class will be organised on top of the canopy. An eye-catching staircase connects the different outdoor spaces and the school into one continuous creative learning experience.

Project Facts
Scope of work
Design and execution of a new building for the primary school and kindergarten
Studie 10 (structural and installation engineer)
Halle, BE
1.750 m² floor area
Everaert-Cooreman nv
Completed, 2019
Steven Neyrinck